Mooncussers we are – a coastal clan
The local heroes who fear not the excise man
Some call us wreckers, but how dashing, dark and daring
The Smugglers’ Inn is where we take our bearings

You can find me by night in the alleys and caves
My skirts tied up, in my stocking my blade
Bringing the goods by the light of the moon
A smuggler born and a smuggler maid

We can bring you fine wool or wine from belle France
Brandy or rum for your coin in advance
We are romanticised in song and in verse
We’ll defy king and country in return for your purse

Sails aback, the boats row out
Pulling hard from a darkened shore
The clink of a coin in the black of night
The glimpse of a smile by a shaded light
Brandy and tea, whisky and wool
We load them quickly, pull boys pull

My father was a smuggler, my grandfather before
It’s the family business, we’re smugglers to the core
Some say that we are godless, but who are they to judge
For I’m a smuggler’s daughter and smuggling’s in my blood

Music & Lyrics © Yallery Brown, 2021
the smuggler's daughter - lyrics image